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Our projects

See some ongoing U-REACH projects

EBIA-CT Project


Interventions for autism

EBI-BD Project


Interventions for bipolar disorder

What others did

Other online evidence synthesis platforms

These projects are not U-REACH projects but they used online platforms to disseminate their results. They are presented to provide an overview of the different approaches and information contained in existing platforms.

Where to start

U-REACH method

"The U-REACH method aims to fill the existing gap from scientific publications to clinical care of persons suffering from mental or physical disorders, by combining a broad rigorous systematic evidence synthesis and an interactive presentation of these results in a format that can be used by diverse key stakeholders"
  Download our manifesto describing the U-REACH methods
Registration Tutorial

Register your U-REACH project here!

You can download the protocol checklist (directly inspired by the PROSPERO guidelines and our own experience), and register your U-REACH project immediately in our dedicated OSF folder!

Our team

Project Leaders

Corentin J. Gosling

Corentin J. Gosling, PhD

Université Paris Nanterre, FR

Hôpital Robert Debré, FR

University of Southampton, UK

Samuele Cortese

Samuele Cortese, MD, PhD

University of Southampton, UK

New York University, USA

University of Bari, Italy

Marco Solmi

Richard Delorme, MD, PhD

Hôpital Robert Debré, FR

Institut Pasteur, FR


Marco Solmi

Marco Solmi, MD, PhD

University of Ottawa, CA

Charité Universitätsmedizin, GR